Two weeks ago I posted an image on my Instagram story about baby onesie. Have you ever noticed how much they cost in a store like Big W?
$3 - I'm not kidding! My heart automatically questions the plausability of producing a garment with a price tag like. So I took it directly to Big W - on social media of course. And of course, I got no reply first time round. My response was to post again. This time sharing an ABC article that refers to the World Baptist Aid report on Ethical Fashion producers for 2019 and directly mentions Big W within the article.
Determination is the key - again tagged Big W. LOW AND BEHOLD!! This time i got a reponse! Not only from Big W but also from Oxfam! If you first read through my personal challenge (my plan for making myself feel better and take some action to say this is not ok) in the lead up to Fashion Revolution Week, 22 - 28th April. Once you're done, you can find out what the Big W Facebook team commented in repsonse to what they believe is taking action whilst still pricing clothes so cheaply. The link is HERE.
Now as for Oxfam - they went a whole step further! A Oxfam rep personally phoned me and thanked me for taking this simple little step to ask for change!
>> READ the article for yourself
Super simply really! So simple that you could join me too. What do you think? I'm going to be doing this alongside the official Fashion Revolution challenge that takes place over the 7 Days of Fash Rev Week (I'll be posting about this on my socials).
My personal challenge is to visit BIG W in person and take action. Yes, I'm admitting that I do sometimes shop at Big W - I'm not great for leaving things to the last miniute and need gets the better of me, plus its has school clothes for my son - at least I'm honest, but also aware and now action taking.
I'm going to buy one of their $3 tshirts for my daughter. 'What' you say. Why?' {EDITED - I'm going to get my son a new pair of tracksuit pants, becuase this is an item he actually needs - my daughter has plenty of tshirts}
I'm not going pay and then turn around and walk out of the store. No. I'm going to walk up to the store manager, give them my letter from Fashion Revolution (get your printable copy here) and then ask to pay an additional $3. I will then tell them that I am paying the extra $3 for it to be sent back to the person who made this tshirt. Simple idea right!
I'm not going to boycott Big W and tell everyone to not shop there. I acknowledge peoples budget, I acknowledge that the workers behind the products really need the employment they get from Big W manufacturing. I am asking you to voice the change and ask for it to happen.
Do you think that you could try this too? You dont need to even go into the store if you don't feel that is for you, just print out the Fashion Revolution brand letter and send it to your chosen brand.
By doing this, I am directly asking Big W staff to become aware of their role in selling and hopefully this filters back to higher management. The letter will also validate that I'm part of a bigger community asking for change. I'm asking them to ensure the people who make the clothes are being paid a fair wage for their time, effort and safety. It's not just me but a whole collection of people across the world who want to see change and transperancy.
It really is easy for you to do this during Fashion Revolution Week. What an impact we could have! Who's willing to do the same? Fashion Revolution has done the thinking for us. Here's what they suggest you can do:
- Snap a photo of your clothes and use the hastag #whomademyclothes on your social media and tag the brand, asking what they are doing to give transaparency and ensure wages that meeting living standards in the production country.
- Print the Letter to Brands and deliver it to your chosen brand.
- Send a postcard to a person in policy making - a person in government or your local member. Great time to ask with federal elections looming.
- Share your #LoveStory - tell the world what made one special garment memorable for you - why you fell in love with those shoes, or that jacket. CLICK HERE to see how to tell a love story.
- Make a #Haulternative - turn an old garment into something new!
- Join an event for Fashion Revolution. There will be one happening in a city near you. The Green Hub has a list here. Or Dorsu, our friends from Cambodia are in Melbourne for a chat night.
- Donate to support Fashion Revolution - a campaign like this doesnt happen for free. Be the people power and give.
You can find a comprehensive list of how stores rank from the Baptist World Aid: Ethical Fashion Guide.
Comment below what action you will take this week. One small drop of water can become an ocean of change!